iPad Pro with "Pro Mode" and/or dual booting Mac OS?

Now you know how we feel when we get US keyboards accidentally shipped over here. Biggest clue and the thing that upsets people most is the “@” key and the " key being swapped over.

I don’t know, we gave you the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, S.ex Pistols. Pop Art and you threw us out in 1783. To make matters worse, you gave us occasional strange keyboard layout. :innocent:

Had to insert a “.” in one band’s name as it upset the forum software…


These minor bands would have gone nowhere without Buddy Holly… :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t even imagine liking a non-ISO keyboard.

Strange how we former colonists cling to imperials measurements…

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I’m likely the most strange. In 1982 while using Typing Tutor on my Commodore 64 I decided to try the Dvorak layout, liked it, and have stuck with it to this day. Advantages include being forced to remember key placement since the alteration is always in software, the keycaps don’t change from qwerty (well, an OSK does but I don’t touch type on such things so I leave them qwerty). This means I’m indifferent to keyboard backlighting—even if my fingers lose their place in the dark it doesn’t help. Disadvantages include being crippled, unable to properly type if I can’t change the layout. Like one time I had an online college course in which I had a proctored timed essay test and I had to get advance permission to change one of the computers’ layout at the testing center. Explaining what I needed and why was the hardest part—for some reason the people there didn’t even know what touch typing was much less different keyboard layouts.

Anyway, being a weirdo this way means I can’t entertain myself by throwing stones at others’ habituated keyboard preferences. :vb-surrender:


One datapoint — back when I was scheduled for a typing class in the military (and was able to type out at 80WPM when the min. was 50WPM), the instructor noted that they’d never had a Dvorak typist fail to type out on the first try.

I’d like to arrange my life so that I could switch — hopefully once I retire.

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I’ve tried Dvorak in the past, without sucess.

my wife OTOH uses and loves it. And she always points out that the QWERTY layout was not done to enhance usability, but is a relic from the mechanical typewriter days as a way to limit the speed so it wouldn’t break the mechanisms


I met someone a few years ago who uses DVORAK. We did a typing challenge. I was somewhere around 80-90 WPM. He was at 150.

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I’m not a fast typist. I just liked Dvorak because it felt a lot more comfortable to type that way.

same here and as anyone could tell you from my posts here, my typing skills are highly suspect, regardless…

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Just four more days until Tim and company break my heart…AGAIN…


Come on Timmy…show some backbone!

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So more and more it’s looking like floating app windows is going to happen, but I think that’s not going to be nearly enough including for many here.

I for one think it would help a good bit.

Apple’s Next iPadOS Could Make Your Tablet More Like a Laptop, Report Says - CNET


More would be better but I’ll take it. Floating windows would be very handy sometimes.

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Don’t mean to sound greedy (who am I kidding sound here) but this needs to include full external monitor support.

Ain’t gonna happen I’m afraid until at least an M2 based iPad.

I’m going to keep searching that manure pile for the pony inside…

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BTW: For those that are wondering our understanding is that it’s touch/pen support combined with the unified memory architecture to blame. In other words there’s no way to “map the pixels” so to speak


Maybe they should license Pixelsense? OR…

Dual boot MacOS and forget about touch/pen in MacOS mode…