Forum offline? Check our subreddit at r/TabletPCReview

Reddit tells me that r/TabletPCReview now has 100 members. A tiny milestone!

We set up that subreddit around the time that the old TPCR was about to go offline as a gathering point, and we’ll keep it around in case the forum ever goes down. Be sure to bookmark/memorize/subscribe for future reference.

In the meantime everything here is running as smoothly as ever, all hail site benefactor @Hifihedgehog !



Fantastic thanks to an even more fantastic bunch! We could not have kept the old group together if it weren’t for everyone here sticking together through our forced evacuation, and we couldn’t keep it going without our individual craziness keeping the dream alive. By the way, we won’t be participating in any Reddit subreddit outage strikes anytime soon. I have my own thoughts on how stupid that move is by the crazies that are doing it, but I can safely say that silencing ourselves on Reddit would be even stupider all things considered.