Windows 11

Shortly after people try to use it for something useful and it fails miserably.


The Android Subsystem was just about to become useful for the Surface Pro 10 so…


Making official even more official. If you have used Android in the past on Windows 11 with the Amazon Appstore, you should have also just received this advisory email from Amazon:

Apparently cross platform access is suddenly - and quickly - being deprecated

Wonder if these moves have ANYTHING to do with AI? :thinking:


Only if Copilot whispers to Satya “Time to pull the plug on Office for Apple - let their users come to our cloud…”


Keep in mind that this isn’t Parallels Desktop, just Parallels Access…


Thank you for clarifying. I missed the distinction.


I’m surprised they haven’t done this already.


“If the cloud will not come to Satya, then Satya must come to the cloud.”

—Ancient Microsoft proverb


I wonder what the lifespan of Phone Link will be w/o full WSA resources :thinking:


I am probably a typical user but I dont use the android apps on the surface but find the message and photo access to be invaluable.

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Not sure. On the topic of AI obsession for Surface and Microsoft, Microsoft seems to have gone into high gear with this ad that went live in the last week.

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Here it is (allegedly): No store, no revenue; no Google Play Services, no critical mass of customers; too few users, too little traffic to support a store. Sounds like the same thing that killed Windows Phone.

Here’s why Windows Subsystem for Android got killed off, according to a 29-year Microsoft veteran (


Oh, and @Bronsky:

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I have to wonder how long we can still install and use the Android Subsystem in Windows 11 after the formal cutoff? Will it be deprecated in name only and can apps still be able to installed manually or will they completely cut it out?

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@Hifihedgehog, I would ask you that question, so…

According to one of our customers that uses it for a couple of enterprise apps, as long as you previously acquired it, you should be able to install it indefinitely, but will lose the ability to install it on new systems by the 1st quarter of 2025.

That being said, MS also offered assistance to this customer to build an actual Windows app, in addition referencing a as yet not officially announced porting tool, albeit it was implied that it was WOA based.

Interesting times ahead, but it does seem that MS is possibly ready to go all in on WOA/Snapdragon Pro… at least for this month anyway :grin:


That’s reassuring! I was hoping they wouldn’t do something fundamentally different or earth-shatteringly revised that would make it impossible. I just remembered this morning of the open source community’s WSA backport to Windows 10 that I had long forgotten. So I presume that unless Windows makes some very radical kernel and service changes, WSA should work for the long haul:

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I know it’s an “If pigs could fly” wish but what if they have somehow convinced Google to give them access the Play Store for WOA devices - what a development - and a kick in the shorts to both Timmy (Apple) and Panos (Amazon)…maybe a little “help” to Google with Copilot…

Nah, probably even more unlikely than my MacPad…

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Of course, and it bears mentioning here for those inclined, you can unofficially add the Play Store and sideload whatever apps you want with a custom installation of Windows Subsystem for Android.

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