Space - The Local Frontier

For those looking for a landing spot for all things inside our solar system I’m starting this thread:


Ok, so let’s start with this (between 250 to 500 AU, still inside the solar system :slightly_smiling_face:)


I didn’t read the article, but if it is between 250 and 500 AU, it isn’t earth like in a climate/life-sustaining way =P

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I saw that article earlier (Forbes needs to stick to business) but they were referring to size and compositions (rocky planet)…


Mars As well as Venus High Atmosphere (Life could be thriving in the clouds of Venus) still remain the best candidates for habitability one day…

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Lockheed Martin’s Nuclear Electrical Spacecraft

Hope this pays off better than Boeing’s Artemis contract…

Water on Mars…

When I grew up, scientists told us we were a unique planet supporting life because we had abundant water, which did not exist elsewhere in the solar system. Now we find out that water is one of the most ubiquitous substances in the universe. Go figure.


Not quite “the earth is flat - no it’s not” debate of our ancestors…


Socrates said: “I know that I know nothing”

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I find this irritating, too. Planets that are so big that they have 2-3 times our gravity or are orbiting a brown dwarf star AREN’T Earth-like. They’re rocky composition planets, possibly with or without water. That’s as far as it goes.

This stuff is from the same astronomical authority that defames Pluto as “not a planet” because, in part, its orbit isn’t cleared. Using their same rule, Earth doesn’t qualify as a planet, either…!!! So now what, astronomical big shots???

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