Panos Panay gone

I think we’re definitely seeing it. Not even a joke. Automated systems looking over your shoulder every step of the way. Working for a big employer is going to be even more of a dystopian experience.



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Will be interesting to see what road Surface lineup will take. After Surface Pro 4 MS went already slower in innovation or the latest greatest in return for more stability (to prevent issues that surfaced with Surface Pro 4). The SLS vs Book is a similar choice I think (choosing more reliability over a more daring form factor).
I hope that MS adds some new stuff to the lineup with the Duo and Neo (probably) out of the picture.


Has the Qualcomm move been confirmed as false or are the rumours still flying?

Or perhaps it’s other key Surface/SQ1 members moving to QC?

Amazon poaching Microsoft Surface engineers but to what purpose? To create an iPad killer?

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It feels like there is room for an affordable full-color OLED or e-Ink reader/note taker with the Kindle brand. Let’s hope that’s the goal.


Unclear but the stronger rumor is Panay is headed to Amazon and wait for it… They may take another stab at phones.


Surface Duo Redux?!?!

So perhaps he felt the stab more than he let on by the cancellation of the Duo.

I always felt MS went into that half-hearted, from the last minute switch to Android, to the lacklustre promotion and updates…it took three tries for the Surface, why did they give up after two.

I’m semi-hyped for what a Fire phone with the full backing of Amazon could pull off.

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Kindle Fire Duo Scribe edition?


With limited edition Lumia legacy series!

Oh dear, oh dear.

Fires all over Redmond these last couple of days.

I wonder if wonder boy Satya might end up eventually getting the sack for poor management of division leaders?

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I do think there is something to that. Also apparently something drastic appears to have changed. Last year there was even talk of Panay being a possible Nadella successor.

According to our sources, the thing to watch for in the immediate future is any patent filings by Amazon, mobile related. There were a bunch earlier in the year, all ecommerce/mobile related


As dissapointed as I am about the turmoil at Microsoft, I am sonewhat excited about Panos’ migration with the hope that we start to see some innovation in the tablet space.

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I hope this is true, but unless he can convince management to change focus drastically (cheapest possible devices designed solely to sell Amazon products and services) there’s not much hope…


This would have been a tectonic shift back to devices. With him coming from chief of Windows UX, there would have finally been a move for full software and hardware integration.

…sigh, alternate timeline.

I’m still holding out hope that he’ll lead the hardware side of the Nuvia team. It would be a masterstroke by Qualcomm to steal away the heart of Surface, after stealing away the brains of M1.


Yeah, if he goes to Amazon, I don’t have much hope for what he would produce there.


Per Windows Weakly: I knew Thurrott always had a stinger out (mutual scorpions) with Sinofsky, but turns out he had the same strained relationship with Panay. Apparently Thurrott outed everything about the Surface Pro II, and Panay had a meeting with him to divulge his sources; Thurrott refused; and since then he gets nothing from M$ to review.

He did (rightly) muse that Panay was overwhelmed by having both Surface and Windows in his boat. BUT it is clear that Thurrott detests touch, pen and the remnants of Windows 8, so how much of that is his fallout with Sinofsky and Panay.


I’m hoping he can do something with a Duo-like device there.

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I don’t follow Thurrott take, why would this have overwhelmed him? It’s like Johnny Ive’s old spot as head of hardware design and UX: a director’s role.

It’s probably the one thing that got Panos to stay after the Apple offer.