Features and Updates: Saved Searches and Encrypted PMs!

Snazzy Security and Searches

As part of our regular rounds of updates, some security-focused and others bug-related, I have added super souped-up features to our forum. These ones will put the P in private and give you a personalized feed to your favorite content!

Save Your Favorite Search Terms and Get Notified Fast or Slow

First up: saved searches! You can now save up to five searches. Get notified as often as you want about each–from immediately to weekly! It’s like your very own tailor-made news ticker and research assistant at your beckoning call.

Putting the “P” for Privacy in PMs

This will really appeal to the security conscious here. Now whenever you PM, you can send your messages in a digitally protected, encrypted format. Your encrypted messages can even be auto deleted forever whenever you want. For sales and trades especially, this adds another level of privacy and peace of mind.


Awesome. First course of action: set up a saved search for ((@dstrauss AND “for sale”) OR “destraussing”). :vb-grin:


Kudos, excellent features. Explains why couldn’t access this morning.