Forum settings

I can’t figure out where the topic or listing settings are.
Or anything else for that matter. The hamburger at the top doesn’t list any.

I’m trying to figure out how the threads work.

I see posts, then sometimes replies under the posts, and then the same
posts later on.

It looks like some are expanded or linked, but there’s no way to just
view the posts all in row.


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The forum structure can be seen here: TabletPCReview Forum - Computing on hand...

To view any unread posts in threads that you have visited or subscribed to go here:

You can get more posts there by changing your preferences, tap your avatar, go to the little ‘person’ icon in the top right, tap ‘preferences’, go to ‘Notifications’, and set it e.g. to something like this:


There’s more related settings there, tbh I haven’t explored all of them.


Right on, @JoeS! You also can opt to get notified for specific categories and tags. And yes, I believe should get automatically emailed too for all of it too once you set it.

How do you delete a post?

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That’s because the hierarchical structure was chosen over the linear structure of the old forums where reply to a particular posting could be pages away from the original. The hierarchical structure kinda groups all direct replies to a posting together. At least that’s what I understand.

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but now i’m even more confused.

i don’t see my original post here/???


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@negative1, this is your original post, right?

Ok, yes, i see it now at the top.

Didn’t see it before.

Wow, this forum has a lot of features. But it feels like everything is all over the place.

Maybe i’ll get used to it.


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Yeah, it does take a little getting used to, but once you figure it out, it’s pretty intuitive and definitely an improvement over the old classic forum.

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OK, this was user error, but when in the preferences you set ‘Material Dark’ as ‘regular’, the dark bright toggle at the top doesn’t do anything. Makes sense in retrospect, just took some mucking about to figure out. For the toggle to work, the ‘regular’ theme needs to bright.