Brainstorming and Suggestions for Forum

I am noticing broken reactions on at least two posts that @Tams reacted to.


…and here.

This is what it looks like:

Are you seeing your reaction @Tams? And if not, which reaction did you intend to select? What steps did you take that I can potentially follow to replicate this behavior?

It seems to be all of them at the moment. They load in the selector, but not when chosen.

No need to worry about it though.

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Interesting. You might want to try clearing your cache or loading a new tab. I can from Safari on my iPhone and Chromium Edge on Windows 10 and it doesn’t show up. It’s clearly happening because of something. Maybe a custom script in a plug-in like Tampermonkey? I love debugging so it’s interesting to me to find out the why here!

No obvious scripting that should apply to this site that I know of, but I am using Vivaldi that has quite a lot of stuff built-in.

I’ll give Edge a whirl.

Edit: No dice. All emojis and reaction gifs are coming up as ‘::’ in normal (non-Dev) Edge as well. I do have most of the same extensions though. I had a gander at the Discourse blog and it seems I’m simply not filling in anything between the colons when clicking on something.

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Yeah, the emoji picker should be doing the filling in for you in the background when you select an emoji. Have you tried without any browser extensions? Another thing: are you connected via a VPN service that has privacy filters? Something as simple as an ad-blocker could be removing it.

Is the old TPCR forum going to be inaccessible as of the 1st Feb or will the content remain available as a read only archive?

If TPCR is going to be scrubbed from the internet, will the current admins have the data/content backed up, or is everything destined for the memory hole?

Unfortunately the news came without much notice, and I’m pushed for time and web access over the weekend, so I wont be able to archive any of the content I would like to preserve. If anyone else has some time and wants to archive TPCR content httrack is a handy site mirroring/archiving tool.

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It’s working on Android Vivaldi (same default tracking and ad block). It might be an extension issue on my end.

Hifi has contacted the Internet Archive and they’ve saved almost all of it. There are no plans to try and import it here, mainly because this is a chance for a fresh start (hopefully with all the old crew and new).


We don’t know for sure, but so far we think it will be the former. @Hifihedgehog has worked with the Internet Archive to import a recent snapshot, see this post. Welcome by the way, glad you made it over!

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Question for @Hifihedgehog , I tried using the spoiler tag to make a long list of names shorter, but it just blurs the post (also nice, esp. for pictures). Is there an alternate tag that collapses a list?

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You can use

Hide Details

This text will be hidden

for it.


Perfect!! Thanks @Dellaster

The code is

[details="expand me!"]longtextgoeshere[/details]


expand me!



Or just use the drop-down option.


Even better :joy:

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Right, working in vanilla FireFox with absolutely no extensions installed. Definitely something up with my Windows Vivaldi install.

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This might need to be brought to the Discourse team’s attention. So is it vanilla Vivaldi that does this? They are really good about putting out patches for things like this.

I wonder if there’s a setting to show (a snippet of) the latest post on the ‘unread’ and ‘latest’ pages. Right now every time there’s a new post in a thread, we see the original post in that thread, which works for some, but for other threads gets a bit repetitive.



I really hate the new layout/format.
Bring back a more traditional forum layout - this is just a hard to read and digest mess.

Tell us how you really feel! :joy:

Let’s give it some time. It does take some getting used to, but it’s growing on me.

Yup. I admit I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me and now I like it better than the old site. YMMV of course and it’s not possible for everybody to be pleased.

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Best thing I did was going to Profile > Interface > and changing Theme to Mint, and Color Scheme to Theme Default. Much easier on my eyes. YMMV