To Trade, or Not To Trade? What to do with iPad Pro 11 OG?

Counterpoint, I like recording simple tunes in Cubasis on the iPad, it’s a super low friction process. Mixing something though involves tweaking tons of knobs and sliders and scrolling around the tracks, and it would be heaven to be able to do that on an external monitor with a mouse attached. So even though it won’t replace my main PC by any stretch, I have use for occasional docking to a monitor.

Only $300 for an iPad Pro? Mind you I tend to think there are tax-breaks for these companies when they take on trade in to recycle. My £35 Amazon Fire got me £150 off a Tab S8 and I’m still pretty certain Samsung made more money out of it that I had as a price reduction.

If you look at the trade in for a cheap device to get a more powerful and expensive model then it’s great. But how much would your iPP sell for on eBay for example?

It is 4 years old, a long time in processor years these days. I don’t do electronics on eBay anymore. Too many buyers want to make allegations after the fact to drive the price down.


Along with any number of other shenanigans. Sellers too. Swappa too. :anger:

I just caught up with a comment on another thread where the Stage-Manager feature has affected non-M1 iPads so yep, I understand the question you have now.

On a side note - how similar in actual function is stage manager to Dex or the way Windows 10 manages groups of tabs and Apps? I watched the feature and at first saw a glorified screen switcher but then a couple of actions impressed me - but Apple are keeping this for M1 Macs as I suspected a month ago. Samsung has had Dex for a while and not just on the more expensive Android tablets - so I wonder is there a new form of incentivisation to get consumers to think their 2-3 year od devices are suddenly obsolete?

I can get a $470 Costco card for trade in for my 12.9 IPP, move to the M1 IPP 11 and only be out $400 for the same storage option, but then I’ve got to find someone who’s maybe swapping their 11 to a 12.9 and willing to trade the magic keyboard straight up, or I’m out even more. Is $400 worth it for Stage Manager? Or if I just want to keep the 12.9 size, $500 ish?

You would be surprised how long the iPad last. People are still selling 2015 ipad pro for 300-400$ where I live and even super old ipad 3-4-first air are still being sold for cheap as a nice browsing device.( probably our local used stores are the destination of those trade-in devices). A 2018 iPad Pro 12.9 still cost 500-600$.

I don’t think an update that most ordinary iPad users likely don’t bother to use immediately make earlier generations of iPad obsolete.