iOS and Android art software

A good news here: Krita 5.1 official release is out.

  • In this version you can customize your touch gestures for your need: one finger pan, two finger pinch zoom rotate, two taps undo, three taps redo, four taps full screen etc ( you can add functions up to 5 taps but i don’t think slam my whole hand on the tablet is practical. "

  • improved fill tool: there is now enclose and fill function like in CSP

Krita is now very very usable without the keyboard, on Android tablet and even phone if you put some effort in setting up the UI.


I was messing around with the brushes, and some of the included ones are very nice! Certainly better than what Affinity (Serif) offer.

Just going to throw out
Done on Infinite painter WIP
Contains Cow Bikini


Done on CSP, contains beeg


Cool! I guess her face is lit by the reflection off the… globes? :thinking::nerd_face:


It’s not bottomlit, its just implying that the cast shadow from the hat ends near her nose.

But I like your explanation just the same.

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I know, I was being silly. If her face is lit like that, then I’d expect most of her upper chest to be in the sun. I do realize that I seem to have studied your drawing suspiciously closely. :sweat_smile: Nice use of the spoiler tag btw.

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Csp is pushing subscription on PC version. You can still buy perpetual version but they won’t be updated. ( if you own a license now, you are stuck 1.x, if next year CSP update to 2.0 and you buy a perpetual license, your license would stuck on 2.0.x but won’t be updated to 2.1.x and so forth)

The “update pass” subscription let you update to newest version, but once you stop paying, you must go back to the perpetual version you owned before.

I would say it wasn’t that bad as long as they are still offering perpetual license. And in the current 1.x version I don’t think I ever used all of its features yet, so it would still be usable for a long time.

People still use Photoshop PS6 and SAI 1.0 in 2022, so current CSP will still last a long time. And maybe by the time the old CSP become incompatible with Windows, 4.x or 5.x perpetual license is alread out. Now it would be another story if they stopped offering perpetual license altogether.

Anyhow, I’m glad I already got comfortable with Krita before this happened.


This is what a lot of software companies will have to deal with - when the Open Source option becomes as good as the paid versions, why pay for something?

Take that further - when Adobe went to subscription, user numbers for programs like Sai / CSP / Procreate exploded. Adobe are never going to get back or get all those Procreate users back for example and they are not dropping Procreate for Fresco (yet)
When I taught Photoshop for illustration / design / animation - some of my better students would complete their assignments on their iPads and Android computers and then export .PSD or .mp4 files to comply with assessment requirements.

Finally - speaking on that - I’d be interested to see user numbers here in the west for CSP installs. In 2014-2016 I remember a lot of students had CSP but in my last 2 years teaching, I don’t recall a single student who came using CSP at home. If they were on desktop - they had Krita. The rest had iPads and ALL were using Procreate very happily.


Just read the CSP link and I can see their thinking process more clearly now. If you bought the very first copy when it first came out, you could have had over 80 free upgrades right up to 2023.

If version 2.0 is better (for me this means clearer UI among other things) and lasts even 5 years before version 3.0 comes out - a perpetual licence for each major iteration is a pretty good deal for the consumer; especially with the cloud storage and file syncing option that Krita doesn’t have (I think).


In the page, CSP mentioned that it will still provide stability update for the perpetual license of 1.x until 3.x come out, so if CSP still offering perpetual license for 3.0 and every major release then it isn’t really that bad. Update pass is only for those who want to use new features, stability update is still free.

It’s still uncertain if 3.0 is still perpetual license as they only mentioned about 2.0, and they’re really trying to push “update pass” as “prefered option” even though it doesn’t really make much financial sense compared to waiting for 3.0 to come out. With this amount of backlash, I guess they would still need to keep perpetual license for a long time.

Speaking of, getting too comfortable with CSP could make you very dependent on it.Yesterday I was in a rush making the deadline to finish a big artwork in two day ( usually it would take me 1-2 week to finish something this size( can only draw at night or weekend because fulltime job. Decided to take a round of search on assets store and found some brushes that fit my current need perfectly and it helped sped up drawing immensely.

Usually I try not to rely on the asset store and create my own brushes depending on my need, but really when you start using the Asset store, there are so many useful stuffs that I haven’t even thought of before.If there is anything that make user cling on CSP, it is the asset store. Krita is good for everything else, but the level of finese of brush configuration in CSP is not there yet ( especially chain and lace brushes).

Also save and backup krita is a hastle because lack of cloud sync. I switch devices frequently ( tablet at night on work day, laptop during weekend, phone during break at work) and being able to sync and continue where I left off from previous device is very convenient. Those who bring there devices with them everywhere probably won’t have that trouble.


My drawing of Fauna is done.

Done 99% on InfinitePainter, and slight color corrections on Photoshop, also because it kept crashing every time I tried to export from IP as a PSD file. Really sucked. I’m in an abusive relationship with this $9 dollar program T_T

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I gave up on Infinite Painter until they sort out their PSD import export. Doesn’t seem to be a priority from what I see on their support forum.

Just a warning: the recent CSP update had been abysmal for Android. Not only the redesigned home page is horrible, it crash during drawing sometimes. Once crashed, the crashed file can no longer be reopened and keep crashing the app if I try to reopen it, and the file become abnormal high in size, it looks like it is corrupted.

My phone is a Note 10 with 12GB RAM so it’s not underpowered, and what I did was only sketching with 1-2 layers on a low resolution canvas, so it’s totally CSP problem here. It happened to 2 of my phones, I don’t know if it would does it on Android tablet but I had disabled auto update on my tablet for now.

Edit: Turned out CSP changed the defaut setting so any new file created after the update have timelapse enabled, which explain the huge file size. CSP timelapse is unstable, take long to save and bloat file size up so much syncing them would be a nightmare, especially over mettered connection. Also current Android version seem unable to open file with timelapse data without crashing.

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timelapse by default in general just feels like a bad idea. So much memory for a feature I rarely even think about. I think Procreate does it too, but it’s so good at memory management, I don’t really notice. I’ll have to check later though.

I just had to say I wish Procreate could block the iPadOS UI (3-dots and white bar at the bottom) from appearing. It’s fairly unprofessional how those two UI elements are constantly fading in and out on the canvas because someone thought it was fine for any hold-touch gesture to invoke them.

I’d really love it if all that stuff was blocked and basically the only ways to exit Procreate are swiping from the bottom or a five-finger gesture. I think that may have been how it was 2+ years ago but we’re never going back to that lol, and this ties in with how I think there’s still ongoing outrage about the 3-dots and how it would have had Jobs rolling in his grave.

Anyway, it’s not that hard to ignore them once getting into a groove, but it’s still bad for such a visual-centric app.

I seriously do note how when using CSP on a Galaxy Tab, none of this nonsense is present. Android gets out of the way when CSP is on screen, the way it should be.