Surface Pros spotted in first class and airport lounges

I don’t see a lot of Surface Pros in the wild, but on this trip I’ve seen one in the first class cabin and one in the “Flagship Lounge” in ORD. This is more Surface Pros I’ve seen in one day since working in Redmond! Is this a thing? I don’t normally get to fly outside of economy, so I can’t tell if it’s just coincidence.


It probably depends a lot on where you live. I see them out and about quite a bit. Especially at places like Starbucks, or other coffee shops. But I also have seen them at the airport several times.


Maybe purchasing lists for larger corporations/governments?

I’m still annoyed about the (pristine, seemed to be unused) Surface Dock I saw in a Gaylord of electronics to be recycled at my workplace.

They’re everywhere here in Japan, especially if you go to the universities.


Admittedly my once regular habit of haunting Coffee Shops in the NJ/NYC area has ever gone mostly extinct ever since I started my Mon-Fri/9-6 job 2 years ago.

but I would say the few times I do get to out in the Wild, For every 6 Macbooks, you’ll likely see at least 1 Surface.

On some recent trips, I was in Seattle both November and December, and in Mexico for a week in January.

Seattle I saw quite a few Surfaces (big surprise) but the 6 to 1 Macbook Ratio still mostly stood.

In Mexico I saw one or two Surfaces at the airport on the Jersey side. On the Mexico side, I saw quite a few Macs and iPads, (mostly form Tourists) but I didn’t see a single Surface. Aside from the Pro 8 I brought with me and honestly never used.


Same. Not surprising considering that we live about 60 miles from each other.


Maybe I saw more Surfaces when I lived in DFW because there was a large MS campus there. I do see less now that I’m in Houston, but I also don’t go out to coffee shops and such nearly as much now that I mostly work from home. In fact, I think I still visit more places like that in DFW when I travel back there for work, so I’m still more likely to see Surfaces in the wild. Macbooks are obviously up there as well, but I wouldn’t say they’re 6 to 1 compared to Surfaces, maybe 2 or 3 to 1.