Leaving Windows for the Walled Garden - Grail Hunt

Thanks Joe - I tried that in January - but I’m learning that it is the integrate experience across all my devices that makes this work best for my business and personal needs.


Apple’s ecosystem is the tightest and best integrated out there, so I can see the country mile advantage. About the only thing that might make the Surface Pro 8 worth it is–wait for it–giving it the Hackintosh treatment, which itself is not exactly a straightforward affair. They have been able to get the built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth working since the videos (see link). The only thing left is just the cameras and then it’s a full Apple-fied Surface (blasphemy, okay, okay :wink: ).

GitHub - badstorm/surface-pro-7-opencore: A proposal OpenCore configuration for run macOS on Surface Pro 7


The big breakthroughs on the scene were the itlwm project which got Intel wireless cards working, and the VoodooI2C project which enabled Mac multitouch gestures on Elan trackpads and (crucially) touchscreens! :+1:

@6:06, you can see the demo blasphemy :grinning: at work with various touchscreen gestures in BigSur:


Ha ha ha - tempting - BUT I tried making a hackintosh netbook years ago

  2. Every Mac update broke the mackintosh
  3. And I HAVE read about the SP8 hackintosh - about 90/10 pain to success ratio…

agreed. Very cool as proof of concept or if you want to tinker, but you’d have to be out of your mind to try and use that as a production machine.


Don’t tempt the crazy guy… :crazy_face: :rofl:

Guess by now everyone has seen where I’ve been hiding thanks to posting my SP8 for sale:

I figure with time off for good behavior, I should be eligible for parole in 2032…unless that SP8 doesn’t sell by the MBP14 return date :rofl:


Where’d you get such colorful duds? Here in Jersey, we only have standard grey and whites? Of course, the county lock up uses orange jump suits but I’m a pinstripe guy.

According to the NYT, that is Riker’s baby! Can you believe that?

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Ah, those stylish New Yorkers.

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My wife teaches Apples at school, so we have a Mac, even though I am all in on Surface Products. One of the two things that drives me nuts why can’t Microsoft implement a product as effective as Spotlight. (The other feature driving me nuts is that on a Mac, you can highlight a bunch of files, right click and add them all to a new folder).


This is one my pet peeves with Windows too. Over the years, I’ve tried several Spotlight clones and recently settled on Fluent Search.

It’s one of the only ones that give me the ‘slick’ feel of Spotlight, while retaining a ton of customizability. Set it search bar only, and performance mode, and I haven’t felt the pangs of switching out from Mac in a while. :wink:


Fully agreed. They actually made some effort in developing a decent search interface in Windows, but they’ve been dumbing it down ever since. In Windows 11 if you want to search for all empty folders, you either have to know shortcuts like “kind:folder” “size:empty”, because the search options don’t show in explorer until you actually run a search. Side note, seems like searching for “kind:folder” brings up zip files. It’s really a shame, Windows Search indexes a ton, but actually making use of that database is not exactly intuitive.

I wish they would just copy the UI of X1 Search, where you see all items in the search database, with text boxes above each data type to narrow down the search.

Well you can show off to her by selecting a group of pictures, right clicking and either printing them to a high resolution .pdf or printing them direct from windows. Get her to try the same thing on a Mac… (Well - she can print to pdf but the command is hidden away in quick actions.)

Ha ha ha - I am a mere nine days from the return deadline (May 7) as the SP8 gathers dust. Guess I’ll look for selling alternatives for the SP 8 this weekend.My son keeps telling me to quit fearing eBay, but I got so scorched on my last deal (the Fold 3 fiasco) I just can’t even stand to look over there anymore.


So you’ve still got more than a week to change your mind!
pops popcorn


You and @JoeS - don’t know who pulls my chain more! :rofl:


This place wouldn’t be the same without you, never change! Except devices, please keep changing those up regularly. :+1:t2:


Sad thing is, NOTHING is catching my interest anymore, and supply chain woes have nearly halted innovation. Frankly, it was the failure of this to emerge that was the final straw in my Windows life…


Same. Maybe the ennui is contagious?