Security and privacy Q&A

Maybe the old jokes about the ATT logo resembling the Death Star were more on point than we realized


Palpatine returns…

The epitome of how you can tell when someone is lying - their lips are moving…

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Satya has now joined the ranks of Yogi Berra: “Surprises are bad.”

After being blindsided by Sam Altman firing, Satya Nadella vows OpenAI governance changes: ‘Surprises are bad’ (


We made too many wrong mistakes.


The hits just keep coming:


I’m torn in my feelings about these things. On one hand the danger of these continued flaws IMHO can’t be overstated. The TLDR of this that it’s no longer a matter of if you will ever fall prey to one of these , but when and how.

OTOH speaking purely as an engineer, the ingenuity of some of these also impresses me.

It also reminds me of something I learned very early on which was that for every option or feature you add to a design, you should plan on at least three ways for it to fail, or operate in ways you didn’t plan for/imagine


Right? One commenter on Ars did raise a fair point: “Why put an entire image parsing library in the UEFI?” Answer probably: “because it’s easy”.

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“The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.”

  • Capt. Mongomery Scott, Ret’d

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Is this another “Game over MAN!” moment? I’m serious - it would seem that no matter how vigilant you are this one is going to bust your chops no matter what you do.

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