MS To Do finally catching up

Some of you may recall Microsoft bought Wunderlist and it vanished in favor of MS To Do. The good news is the app is available cross platform and has finally been integrated with Outlook on Windows.

They’ve been dribbling out features. It has had a “My Day” list for years. Now, finally, the items with a due date of “today” automatically appear on the My Day list! Previously, you had to troll your lists and manually add the dated items.

If you add the word “remind” and a day/time when typing in the description, it sets those without having to go to a separate date/time selector dialog.

It’s becoming a vital part of my work flow. Now, if they just integrate OneNote…


Thanks - another program I need to add to my “must investigate” list for 2023 - maybe I should just add that as my first Task in To Do !

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You are SO RIGHT - integrate OneNote into Outlook (so you can pull it up just like a calendar, inbox, contact list, etc.) and we could just live in a single environment…


Well, I actually meant MS To Do integration into OneNote, but OneNote and Outlook would be great too.

As to living in “a single environment,” we got so close in the beginning of the Tablet PC movement. Franklin Covey launched TabletPlanner along with the Tablet PC. It would take both ink and/or keyboard input, and presented a layout exactly like your FC physical planner pages. Pen gestures would prioritize and mark tasks complete - which would then gray out and move to the bottom of the list. NO REWRITING TASKS the next day.

You could double click on an appointment and get a note page so your notes were always linked to the meeting; or you could set up tabs and separate note sections as your work flow required.

By TabletPlanner 2.0 there was MS Exchange integration so that your Outlook meetings automatically loaded in TabletPlanner. Alas, I think FC was disappointed in a slow uptake, shocked by the high software maintenance costs, the constant battle over whether Outlook or TabletPlanner would be the “single environment,” and stretched too thin with an aggressive attempt to become a training company. The product got rebranded PlanPlus, lost the focus on ink, and died away as just an Outlook add-in.

Ah, what could have been…


I know I’ve mentioned them before, but Key2Success is trying to do this:

My roadblock is the need to copy and paste manually to move lists forward…and overcoming inertia to get started…need to get used to linking items and synchronizing tasks :roll_eyes:

EXACTLY! That’s was the beauty of TabletPlanner.

My situation is so different from the majority here as I’m caught up in the logistics of keeping house, homeschooling 3 kids, and managing activities and appointments all of us. But this year, I got the digital version of the Passionate Penny Pincher planner and it has been wonderful as many of the tasks are already broken down and in the planner by week or month for me. I often lose track of when I last did each thing and this laid it out for me and tells me what to do when so I have that much less to think about, I just do the stuff and check it off.

It came with a linked digital version designed to be used in Goodnotes on the iPad, but it’s two pages across, as if a paper planner were open in front of you and it’s really too big to be used that way on a single screen. Also, I couldn’t find a good app to open it on Android. I just took the regular PDF and printed it into OneNote, chopping it up into pages on my own and it’s been great for these first two weeks of the year so far. I can see and write in it on any of my devices.

I still have to maintain a google calendar and use a separate planner for our school work, but I like the handwritten task lists, even if I have to manually move all the stuff I don’t get to.


Great job - just a shame that “digitizing” doesn’t equal “automating” regardless of program or platform…

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The thing with household tasks is they recur. A lot. Very few of my tasks need to be pushed forward if they dont happen today becuase most things are on the list tomorrow anyway. It’s more of a weekly look at how many days in a row I’ve missed a particular box that reminds me it’s high time I hand the kids a pack of clorox wipes and tell them to take care of the bathrooms. That laundry I didn’t fold yesterday is already on the list for tomorrow, as will be the next load of laundry I run because that’s a daily task too. But it sure feels good to check those boxes, even if it’s the same boxes again the next day.

The planner is weekly rather than daily, so on saturday, I just go back and try to clean up anything that didn’t happen during the week. Maybe we’ll take down our tree that was on the list from sunday. Maybe I’ll rewrite it for saturday, but it’s more likely that I’ll still have to write it in next week too. I like the opportunity on saturday to look back and then fill out the next week.

School work on the other hand, frequently gets shuffled around, and Homeschool Planet’s recheduler is amazing.